"Estórias açorianas" Fiction by Carlos Alberto Machado
by Carlos Alberto Machado. Fiction (Short Story. Transeatlântico Collection
"Estórias Açorianas" is a collection of short stories with Azorean themes. Customs and behaviors of people from the Azores, through a writing that is in line with the great secular tradition of humor and poetic vision of our everyday .
About the Author: Carlos Alberto Machado ( Lisbon, 1954)
Latest published works: Anthology, organized by Lui Maffei, preface by Maurício Vasconcelos, collection Portugal 0 (Oficina Raquel, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2013), O Gato Visitador (poetry, Volta d'Mar, 2013), Hipopótamos em Delagoa Bay (romance, abysmo, 2013), Uma viagem romântica a Moscovo (poetry, Companhia das Ilhas, 2012), Corpos (poetry, azulcobalto, 2011), Por eso volveré / Por isso voltarei / C’est pourquoi je reviendrai (poetry, Gobierno de Canarias, 2010), Registo civil (reunited poetry, Assírio & Alvim, 2010), Hoje não há música (theatre, Escola Portuguesa de Moçambique, 2010), 5 cervejas para o Virgílio (theatre, & etc, 2009), Hamlet & Ofelia (theatre, Escola Portuguesa de Moçambique, 2008), Talismã (poetry, Assírio & Alvim, 2004), A realidade inclinada (poetry, Averno, 2003), Aquitanta (theatre, ed. autor, 2003), Restos. Interiores (theatre, author ed. 2002), Os nomes que faltam (theatre, Teatro Nacional S. João/Cotovia, 2001), Mito, seguido de Palavras gravadas na calçada (poetry, & etc, 2001), Transportes & Mudanças (theatre, frenesi, 2000), Teatro da Cornucópia. As regras do jogo (essay, frenesi, 1999). He's the editor of publisher Companhia das Ilhas.
Year: 2012
Publisher: Companhia das Ilhas
Collection: Azulcobalto
Genre: Fiction (Short Story)
Idiom: Portuguese
Dimensions: 11x15cm
Number of pages: 48
Product Details
Data sheet
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